Denver Product Innovation
WTS Kicks Off Launch for Drum Tuning r[E]volution
Denver, Colorado – Welch Tuning Systems (WTS) tomorrow is releasing the WTS Artistry Series Drum line, featuring the revolutionary Welch Tuning System. A unique product innovation that allows you to tune a drum in 5 seconds or your whole kit in 30 seconds! This market shaking drum tuning patented product invention is hitting the market now. With the turn of a knob you can even change the pitch of your drums mid-performance. “I’ve seriously never seen anything that’s so revolutionary…It’s so easy it’s unbelievable. Take the drums out…and within minutes the whole kit is tuned up and sounds great…” says Chris Sheldon, Professional drummer.
How does this product innovation work?
Each WTS Artistry Series drum features a series of self-adjusting pulleys that allow tension to equalize around the whole drum. This results in beautifully tuned drums at any pitch. Since the pulleys are mounted to the drum hoops, this means there is significantly less hardware in contact with the shell and up to 90% less holes drilled in the shell. This allows the drum shells to breathe and resonate to their full potential. There’s only one point of adjustment so it locks the tension for the entire drum. Now there’s no more tension rods loosening while you play! “After 3 years and countless hours of perfecting this tuning system, I’m so excited to finally be able to launch the Welch Tuning System,” said Patrick Auell, co-founder of Welch Tuning Systems and CEO of Auell Consulting – Denver Product Design. “It’s going to change the drumming world and changing the pitch of a drum mid performance will even open up possibilities of new drumming styles developing.”
The revolutionary product innovation is hitting the market though a Kickstarter crowd funding campaign. The campaign is launching during the NAMM (National Association of Music) conference in Anaheim, CA, January 24-27, 2019. Wre WTS will have a booth set up to demo one of the first WTS Artistry Series Drum sets. They are offering the first drums off the production line at a deep discount for a limited time through the Kickstarter. You can be the first to own your own set of revolutionary WTS Artistry Series Drums and a piece of history in the making.